Food Canning Establishment Registrations (FCE)


Submission Identifiers

The FDA food canning establishment (FCE) registration refers to the requirement for certain food processors and manufacturers to register their facilities with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if they engage in the commercial manufacturing, processing, or packing of acidified or low-acid canned foods.


An acidified food (AF) is a type of food product that typically has a pH value greater than 4.6 but is acidified to a pH level of 4.6 or lower. Acidification is the process of adding acid (such as citric acid or vinegar) or acidifying agents to food products to lower their pH and create an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria, including harmful microorganisms.

Alcoholic beverages are excluded.


A low-acid canned food (LACF) is a type of food product that has a pH value higher than 4.6 or water activity greater than 0.85, and requires thermal processing to achieve commercial sterility. These foods have a relatively low acid content, which means they have a higher pH level that can support the growth of bacteria, including harmful microorganisms, if not properly processed.

Alcoholic beverages are excluded.

Submission Identifiers (SID)

Both low-acid canned food (LACF) and acidified food (AF) facilities in the United States must submit separate filings for each production process they use. Each Process Filing is assigned a unique Submission Identifier (SID) number.

MTCB is a Process Authority certified by the Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists (IFTPS), and our operators are able to prepare test studies and complete filings on your behalf.

The SID number serves as a clear reference for each Process Filing, facilitating accurate tracking and management of the associated information. Process Filings include important details about ingredients, formulation, pH levels, thermal processing methods, and container specifications, promoting transparency and allowing regulatory bodies to assess process adequacy, compliance with safety requirements, and adherence to industry best practices.

The assignment of unique SID numbers to each Process Filing enables easy referencing and identification by the FDA and other relevant authorities. This streamlined system enhances communication, efficient oversight, and effective monitoring of the production processes utilized by LACF and acidified food facilities.

Fill in the form, we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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  • MT Consulting & Brokerage, LTD
    DNS House, 382 Kenton Road
    Harrow HA3 8DP
    United Kingdom

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